1 min read


God prescribed this number to have meaning and purpose of which were governmental authority, a completeness or perfection, and the authority given to mankind by God. 

There were 12 tribes in Israel & this symbolizes the completeness of the nation Israel. Jacob had 12 sons which were the heads or fathers of each of the 12 tribes of Israel which are likened to 12 princes. 

Jesus chose 12 disciples who later became the 12 apostles 

The New Jerusalem which descends out of heaven has 12 gates made of pearl which are manned by 12 angels. Each of the gates has been named after the 12 tribes of Israel. The walls of the New Jerusalem are measured at 144 cubits high which is 12 multiplied (Rev 21:16). There are 12 precious stones that will be used as the foundation of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:19-20). The wall of the city had 12 foundations with the 12 names of the apostles on each one (Rev 21:14). 

The high priest’s breastplate had 12 precious stones embedded within them. 

Jesus very first words were spoken at the age of 12 (Luke 2:42). 

There was even a woman who had suffered from a blood hemorrhage for 12 years. Her set time for deliverance for after 12 years. (Luke 8:40). 

There were 12 loaves of permanent offerings on the golden table (Lev 24:5). 

There were 12 explorers or spies sent into the land of Canaan (Due 1:23). 

Solomon had 12 administrators in his kingdom (1 Kings 4:7). 

There were 12 men who laid 12 stones in building a monument to the Lord (Joshua 4:3). 

The Book of Chronicles contained 12 great priests. 

Twelve curses were indicated for disobedience to Israel (Duet 27). 

A young Israelite male took 12 years before he could be admitted as a “son of the law.”   There were the 12 sacrifices of animals that were to be given (Numb 7, 29). 

Our year divided into 12 months.  Our days divided into 12 hours. These are just a few of many examples.

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