Hi there! Goodnews World Evangelical Ministry is an Outreach Ministry, with an interest in reaching out to the community with the love of Jesus Christ. We are a non-profit organisation and have been established over nine years.  We believe in the doctrines and teachings of the bible that applies to our daily lives.

As an outreach ministry, we have had opportunities to preach and teach the good news of the gospel to many people around the world.  God has used us to impact the lives of many people and we have been able to make various altar calls from time to time that has seen many people, and especially young persons in great numbers turn away from a life that had seemed to have no hope, to a life of hope in Christ Jesus. The number of people who have been calling out to this ministry for spiritual help have reached their hundreds, which as a result gave birth to our Call Center, with an eight Team leadership.   Our Call Center oversees a very vibrant Prayer and Counselling group and a very powerful Prayer and Intercession group,  Goodnews World Evangelical Ministry has seen many lives gloriously transformed as it continues to be engaged in various outreaches with the love of Christ to a world in need of hope and respite. 

Today we have a record of over 1,500 membership established in the Faith of Jesus Christ, and who have continually received followup, teaching, prayers, counselling, healing and deliverance from a strong Prayer Team membership.   

Another exciting aspect of our ministry has been in the area of BIBLE CLASSES AND BIBLE QUIZ COMPETITIONS. This has been a very exciting event for young people and youths alike. We have been privileged to give away amazing PRIZES to best performing Bible Students during our seasonal classes and quiz competitions. This has been our way of encouraging more youths to learn and study the Bible, hence equipping them to be better people in the society. 

Many have been blessed immensely through the ministry of Goodnews World Evangelical Ministry, and we aim to continue to cast our net into the sea of a dying world, thereby allowing the Lord to use us in bringing light  and hope into many corners of the world. 

We pray that the Lord will continue to enable us to continue this work and be able to offer and contribute much more in making our world a beautiful and colourful place to inhabit.

Finally, we really appreciate your generous and immense contributions in every way possible in as a way in assisting with the progress of this glorious work.

From the President
Goodnews World Evangelical Ministry.

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