1 min read

To be Born Again again (Salvation) happens after accepting Jesus Christ as  Lord and Personal Saviour, responding to God's offer of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

The bible states that except a person is born again they cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3).

To become born again starts with the Human spirit, but not with the mind.  Staying away from sin does not indicate a person to be born again, rather, once a person is born again, they are empowered by God to be able to live above sin.  (John 1:12).  This is made possible by the power of the Holy spirit, given to them at the point of salvation.

It is the Human Spirit that firstly becomes Alive/Awakened/Converted/Reborn/Regenerated and majorly, connected to God.  

A person who becomes born again, becomes a NEW CREATURE on the inside of them firstly, which eventually reflects to the outside character transformation.  This is never reformation, but transformation taking place in an individual by the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Actions and Character; can become renewed as and individual continue to journey in God's kingdom accordingly.  (Romans 12:1 -2).

Renewal sets in as a person engages in discipleship activities, such as reading and meditating upon God's word, attending fellowship and communicating with God constantly.

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