1 min read

ANSWER:  Yes indeed!  God's kingdom has various segments of armies, both visible and invisible.

God has his armies both in heaven and on earth that represent him. God has an angelic army that carry out tasks on behalf of God.  Many people on earth are aware of God's angelic army.  They usually throng between the heavens and the earth.

God also has human armies at his disposal.  These are usually his saints; the redeemed in Christ Jesus.  God's human army carry out daily tasks on behalf of God on earth only.  This is because they are presently restricted to this world.


It is important to note first and foremost that, angels are not subject to human beings, but they are subject to God only, and their loyalty is only to God.  Therefore, they don't take orders from anyone, but God. It is therefore an effort of futility for a person to spend precious time commanding angels to carry out one assignment or the other for them.  Angels don't even listen to objections from people when God orders them to minister to individuals. However when we pray, we can ask God for his angelic help or intervention.

Various kinds of angels intervene in the affairs of human beings in various ways, thereby achieving goodness into the lives of humans such as delivering answers to prayers, delivering people from danger, working out people’s salvation process, helping to restore lost glories, fixing into human beings new body parts, whereby people are able to receive divine healing through prayers, strengthening the saints in times of weariness, encamping around the saints as a shield around them and much more. 


They battle for the souls of men and women like them through serving God accordingly.  They take their rightful positiions as God commands them.  Some of their operations are in intercersessions, preaching or evangelisation of the gospel message, equpping other saints through teaching of the Word of God, church planting, missions to the needy, they help believers fight evil spirits, setting the captives free from the boundage of demon spirits, laying hands upon the sick and enabling divine healing to take place in the lives of others, leading people into God's presence through the power of praise and worship,  All of these and much more they do through service to God. 

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