1 min read

We must understand that God’s kingdom is established in the third heaven, and God also seeks to establish his kingdom on earth through his saints (The redeemed).  The kingdom in heaven is only visible to the inhabitants of heaven, and even though the inhabitants on earth are unable to visibly see God’s kingdom;  it can be felt and reflected in and through the lives of his saints on earth. 

God rules and reigns in the affairs of heavens; he equally rules and reigns in the affairs of his saints on earth.  This is one particularly reason why angels throng both heaven and earth on a daily basis. Angels indeed traffic between the heavens and the earth to action God’s decree and commandments in various situations.   

Various kinds of angels intervene in the affairs of human beings in various ways, thereby achieving goodness into the lives of humans.  They can  deliver answers to the prayers of saints, delivering people from danger. It's possible that many of us, quite unaware have been delivered from terrible accidents one way or the other.  Angels can  fight for the soul of a  person if they have to, in order to rescue such from the kingdom of darkness, and into God's kingdom. They work out people’s salvation process. They can help people to restore lost glories. They can fix into human beings, new body parts, whereby people are able to receive divine healing through prayers, strengthening saints in times of weariness, encamping around the saints as a shield,  they can do this by creating a wall of fire around the saint.  Angels  worship God and can enhance worship where saints are gathered together in  praises and worship and much more. 

You can truly experience and enjoy God in your life once you've repented of your sins; turning to God for salvation and reconciliation through Jesus Christ.

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