1 min read

........“it looks as if your Saw might be a bit dull.” “It probably is,” said the young man, “I’ve been sawing all day.” “Then why don’t you take a break and sharpen it? The older man suggested. “The job will go a lot faster if you do.” The young lumberjack replied, “I don’t like sharpening and anyway I don’t have time right now, I’m too busy sawing!”

It’s one thing to work hard – it’s another to work well! Don’t just saw. Take time to sharpen every five years!  Knowledge in most major fields doubles. That means if you don’t stay sharp: (1) you’ll be left behind; (2) the opportunities will go to others; (3) you’ll be qualified to live in a world that no longer exists.

If you want to stay sharp, spend time with God, for nobody is sharper than he is. Read His word. Seek His guidance. Acknowledge Him in all you do. Switch off your T V and become a reader; draw water from the wells of those who've done what you long to do. “Above all and before all, do this: get wisdom” Proverbs 4:7. 

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