1 min read

Jesus Christ made a description about the Narrow Path and the Broad Way:  He said: You can enter God’s kingdom only through the Narrow Gate. The gateway to Life is straight and very narrow and only a few ever find it. On the other hand, the highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for many who choose that way.  ~ Matthew 7:13. 

Everyone starts out with life by living on the broad way –the way of  Eternal Death, but few people do turn around  eventually to begin a new life on the narrow path – the way of  eternal Life. Many who walk the broad way embrace the ease and pleasures that come with it, either right or wrong without any constraints by the Spirit of God. They do not subject their way of life to heaven's instructions. Either they are oblivious of the consequences of living their lifetime in the broad way, or simply that they do not want to acknowledge God’s offer of salvation to them through our Lord Jesus Christ.. They live according to the dictates of their flesh. They give themselves over to all manner of fleshly deeds. Sadly, engaging in such ways lead to eternal damnation – which is separation from God for all of eternity. 

The few people who have chosen the narrow path, live according to heaven's instructions, they follow God’s map way to Life abundance in Christ Jesus. They live for God, they walk their daily lives by the help of God’s Spirit, they live in His will for their life, they enjoy riches derived from the kingdom of God, their life pleases God and this way leads to their Eternal glorification – living with God throughout eternity. 

My friend, there are two sides of the coin to this narration. This narration is about the true description of what our journey in life looks like. God, our creator - allows us to make choices, and it is therefore important that you make your choice as to which path you would choose to follow and hopefully the right one. For there is a way that seems right unto man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. ~ Proverbs 14:12. 

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