1 min read

In this narrow path of LIFE, is derived the true Life and Life in abundance itself.  Do not get carried away by the mere riches and fame of the world, they are not authentic, but man-made and a mirage.  Unnfortunately many are running the mad race in order to attain the mirage of fame and earthly riches, hoping to gain satisfaction and fulfillment.  Nothing in this life can ever fill the void in your heart, not even the greatest pleasure of the world, except God your creator. When you embrace him and his ways, you will find the true peace and serenety, you've been searching for. This has been proven in several ways to be the truth.

Listen, True riches, wealth and prosperity come from having a relationship with the God of heaven and earth through our Lord Jesus Christ. When you receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Personal Lord,  firstly you are forgiven and delivered from the bondage of sin, and are given a new beginning, you begin to partake of the divine nature of Christ and you become an heir to His inexhaustible wealth.  As a matter of fact the riches derived in Christ Jesus are so real, authentic and quite exquisite.  They are inexhaustible with not a single sorrow added to it.  

Therefore, in as much as one is trying to make a living for comfort and financial freedom, one ought not to be lost in the mirage of the deceits of this world.  In fact, life is too short than to be all clued up with it's affairs.  Eternity is forever. Consider eternity as you walk through this earth and make solid preparations for life after death.You can make a decision today to make that important U turn of entering into God’s pathway, by inviting Jesus Christ into your life. 

You may wish to pray like this:

PRAYER: Confess your sins to Him, 

O God, please have mercy upon my soul,

I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose on the third day

I receive therefore the atonement of the blood of Jesus Christ to wash my sins away.

Forgive me and wash away your sins with the blood of Jesus Christ.

I ask you to grant me eternal Life.

I ask that you fill me with the spirit of your righteousness.

Be enthroned and reign in my life forever.

I ask that you would grant me the power and grace to begin to live for you from now on through till eternity.

If you said this prayer, we wish to congratulate you!Shalom!

If you said this prayer, we wish to congratulate you!

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