1 min read
28. Great Assets of Life

 Human beings are one of the greatest assets in life.  Never undermine, despise or disrespect people that you meet in life.  They could be the ones that you need to help you get to your next level in life.  Angels come mostly in human form.  Be good and respectful to everyone you meet.  Through the avenue of humans, we are usually connected to other assets in life.  Humans are therefore the greatest and initial supply that we need from God.  For instance, you might go on tour or on a holiday, and meet with a very wealthy person or the C E O of an organisation (status unknown to you).  He might just be wearing some funny outfit in his way of expressing his holiday fun.  You get to meet him often at the dinning, restaurant, swimming pool or at some other kind of activities, and the following might take place: a friendly and respectful disposition towards them throughout their holiday; an act of good deeds; great discussions laced with much wisdom coming from you. In the course of your conversation with him, he discovers that you are in need of something that he has in abundance.  He gives you his card.  This simple contact with this individual could lead to your big break!  

It could be vice versa, you might have all the money in the whole world, yet there is something that your money has refused to buy.  Another person you come across in life might have just what you very badly are in need of, and be the solution to fulfilling that need.  The person may look insignificant, but acquire all the expertise and knowledge that you are looking for.  

God states in his word that we are to ‘honour all men’. (1 Peter 2:17). It is in honouring all men and women that we are able to climb up the ladders of life without much stress.  Usually God places what you need in the hands of angels in the form of men and women that you come in contact with. 

Hebrews 13:2 tells us that We should not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it. May God almighty strengthen and order our footsteps aright in Jesus mighty name. N. Ijad.

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