1 min read

As we forge ahead into the New Year I pray that we shall experience newness and times of refreshing from the throne of God.  God says: “For I know the thoughts (plans) that I think toward you, the thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”.  (Jeremiah 29:11).   As we first and foremost wait upon God and seek His divine purpose for our individual lives for the year at the least,  we will not have to struggle endlessly.  If each one of us can seek to walk in God’s purpose for our lives, we will eliminate many struggles, hardships and frustrations.  Fulfillment, joy and peace will duly follow when we follow the Master Planner, endeavouring to walk in our designated blueprint.  Hence having cause to glorify God almighty through the year. 

Happy New Year in Advance ~ 

Your Beloved 

N. Ijad

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