2 min read

I AM TALKING ABOUT HOW TO AVOID THE DEADLY TRAPS OF LIFE The Bible states in the book of Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7-15 “The fear of God is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instructions. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck. My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them! They may say: Come and join us. Let’s hide and finish off someone just for fun, let’s ambush the innocent! Let us swallow them whole, like those who go down to the pit to return no more. Think of the great things we’ll get! We’ll fill our homes with all the stuff we take. “Come throw in your lot with us, we’ll share the loot. My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their pathways.


God knows best and He loves each one of us. He already knew that the same old devil that enticed and lured the first man and woman into a deadly trap is still very active in his business of deceiving people, especially people with tender hearts.  This is the reason why God spoke his instructions through his servants and placed these very instructions into a manual - called the Holy Bible for each one of us to be able to find wisdom and understanding, and to be able to discern between good and evil as we go along in the pathways of life. Many young people for instance possess a tender heart. In most cases, the heart of a young person is quite innocent and vulnerable.  Many things call for the attention of a young person, including the glamour, the vain-glories, the deceitfulness and those things that call for the attention of this world. 

Talking about the young person:  Trust me most parents have seen life before you and they already know the pathways to an extent as to try to lead you into the right direction. They try as much as they can to lead and guide you away from the thorny pathways of life, especially those paths that appear glamorous but have every tendency to be full of thorns and thistles.  Listen to those who have tasted life before you and listen to God’s counsel, and follow these as a guide to life’s pathway. It will save you a whole lifetime of trouble, and you would be so glad after it all that you not only listened to good counsel, but followed suit.   Proverbs 14:12 clearly states that “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  

Many lives have been cut short in their prime, as a result of stepping in with the wrong crowd of people! Many lives have become truncated as a result of allowing themselves to be enticed away by the wrong group of people instead of following the pathways of parental or guardian advice. They got introduced into wrong things and became lured away into the ghettos of life. Some young person have become caught up in the web of one addiction or the other. These ones would have gladly given away anything just to be set free in exchange for the crazy lifestyle they once loved and craved for. Many people, appear to have been locked up in an inescapable web of dark habitual lifestyle, even as they try to find a way of escape. Stagnation, depression rejection, loss of confidence, and at times suicidal feelings are considered a way of escape from these webs.   

Do you feel that you might have drifted into the wrong direction of life?  Do you feel bound to one unscrupulous deed or the other?  There is a way out!  

You can definitely make a U-turn. God is waiting for you at the other end of life.  You can make a new start by repenting and turning around to God through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. When you turn to God and ask him to forgive you and cleanse you with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, he will do so for you. Just come to him in faith and surrender to his love, his mercies and forgiveness.  He will set your feet upon a solid foundation and place your feet on the right pathway of life.  His Word says: in Matthew 11:28 - “Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  Praise God! 

One final advice - The easiest way to avoid the deadly traps of life, is to first of all, be obedient to every good counsel you receive from your predecessors. They probably would tell you the many choices they’ve made in times past and their outcomes. Secondly, make a decision to follow the instructions of God Almighty. He created you and has good plans for you. Learn to pray to him and ask him for guidance and direction with regards to his plans for your life.  You can never go wrong in doing this. Majorly, allow Jesus Christ to become your personal Lord and Saviour. Allow the Word of God from the Holy Bible to fill your heart. By taking these vital steps, you would be building a very solid foundation for yourself and that of your future generation which will never be shaken down.





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