1 min read

Do you sometimes wonder what life is all about? We all need to understand life’s purpose and destiny. Life itself goes beyond confining all our attention to the material world. It is important to understand that each one of us is a spirit being who possesses a soul and lives in a body.There can be no lasting happiness, no fulfilment, and no ultimate purpose in a life lived without God. 

Before his conversion, King Solomon, the son of David, king of Jerusalem had vast wealth and had the opportunity to indulge himself to his heart’s desire and this he did, exploring every available facet of science, craft and pleasure. (Please read Ecclesiastes 1:1-18)Life without a relationship with God is a Life of futility, but having a relationship with God will bring you divine rest, peace and fulfilment in this life of uncertainty. You can therefore find relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said: Come to me and I will give you rest – all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. ~ Matthew 11:28.  Are you looking for real satisfaction in this life? Jesus said: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come and drink. For the scriptures declare that Rivers of Living Water shall flow from the inmost being of anyone who believes in me.” ~ John 7:37-38. Are you hungry for something? Jesus Christ said: “I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes in me shall never thirst.” ~ John 6:35.

Would you like to know how to connect with God's plans and purposes for your life. Do you have a sense of purpose and destiny?Are you just following the crowd?Do you feel lost like a speck of sand in a big vast world?Does it feel like you have lost your identity as an individual? Are you living in despair, fear and confusion of what this life holds for you? Would you like to know what happens to individuals when they die physically Do you really know where you are heading to in this life and after life? Do you have any questions about life in the Kingdom of God.Would you like to know how to grow in grace?  You have been trying to fill that empy void with so many things that life can offer. Do you wish to know how to fill that void?

For further HELP OR QUESTIONS on any of these subjects and much more, please write inside the comment section your enquiries:'  God will surely meet you at your very point in need, and the secret things of God will unravel before before you. Deuteronomy 29:29 “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

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