1 min read

UNFORGIVENESS - It’s just a single chain around the neck, but it incapacitates the entire body. That’s how it works! Unforgiveness is like a chain around the neck of your potential, choking the life out of your freedom and joy, making even the sweet taste of success turn sour in your mouth. Maybe you're saying, “I’ll never forgive them unless they first admit what they’ve done and ask for my forgiveness.” Suppose they never do? Why should your happiness depend on their ability to do what’s right – especially if they’re not in the habit of doing it? You’re giving them too much power! When Jesus was on the cross, He defeated His enemies by refusing to hold a grudge. Think about that! He prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” ~Luke 23:34. Once He had said those words – He moved to a different realm.Another thing is, you would be denying yourself the glory and presence  of God upon your life by refusing to forgive, and what would be the  possibility of you making it to heaven do not release your offender.

If you refuse to forgive just one person's trespass against you, God will not be able to forgive you of your trespasses against Him. (Matthew 6:14-15). If you refuse to release somebody, you will not be released from pain and hurt either. You give yourself to a life of torment.(Matthew 18:34-35). They love to come in different shades and forms of of sicknessess, diseases, calamities and afflictions. For somebody else, it's a spiritual problem that needs to be dealt with spiritually. A spirit of unforgiveness that needs to be dealt with and cast out. This somebody must address this spirit once recognised before it creates its damage.Therefore, my beloved ones, if you find yourself in this condition, you must Let go and Let God. Don't take the place of God because He said vengeance is mine. (Romans 12:18-19). 

SOLUTION: Ask God to give you the GRACE and POWER to be able to let go of every offences of the past. Ask God for the spirit of for forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with the overflowing power of the LOVE of Jesus Christ – LOVE conquers all in all things..Ask God to give you the power to be able to forgive 70 times 70 times and beyond.  Next time when you come across your offender, you will not experience resentment and anger, but Love and compassion towards them.

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