1 min read

In divorce, children often become weapons used by broken-hearted people who have nothing left that the other person wants, except a visit from a child. Sadly, this visit is withheld because the warring parties are interested in causing as much pain to their now-estranged lovers as they have felt themselves.  What they don’t realise is, whenever a weapon is fired the ammunition doesn’t just destroy the target, the ammunition itself gets destroyed too.  The Word of God states that: “there is hope for a tree: if it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail.  Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant”. (Job 14:7-9). God’s Word through Job says that a new shoot can grow out of a dead stump.  Please don’t destroy the shoot because you’ve lost the stump!  Your destiny is in your seed.  If you lose your children, you cut off your future.  God has entrusted them to you.  You are rich and you are blessed because you have them.  Perhaps you cannot save the relationship, but if you cannot or will not, at lease save the children.  They don’t deserve to become causalities of your war.  In the midst of your pain, stop and realise that you have a child who needs you, a shield entrusted to your care.  Providing food and shelter is very good; but don’t forget love, stability, and spiritual guidance.  Without these things your pain can become their life-long pain.  Don’t let that happen – save the children.

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