1 min read

When you call upon the name of Jesus Christ, He will save you from sin. When you walk with Jesus Christ He will make your life wholesome, He will set you free from the forces of darkness. He will make all of the difference in your world. He will bless your life and give you beauty for ashes. He will mend every broken pieces of your past. He will restore your lost glory. He will make all things anew for you. He will make the impossible to become possible in your life. He will break every chains of addiction. But it’s important that you surrender your all to Him.  Only when you are truly in Christ Jesus can really expect help from him.  Salvation is a glorious Journey.  He said come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Mathew 11:28).   Many are seeking rest in the wrong places.  But Jesus promised: I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John 10:9). 

You may wish to Pray like this:  Almighty God, I ask you to have mercy upon me and forgive me of my sins. Deliver me from the power of sin and grant me freedom from sin. I invite Jesus Christ to come into my life.  I believe and receive you today as my Lord and Saviour. I receive your Salvation offer.  Please receive me back home to God.  In your name I’m forgiven, I’m saved. Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus. 

If you said this prayer, we wish to congratulate you! 

For further help or questions on the subject of salvation and walking with God, do write to our email or telephone us. Please post in your prayer requests, and we believe that God who answers prayers, will surely answer yours in Jesus name.

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