2 min read

 It’s your soul crying out for God……  He made it, and it reaches out for Him. There is a great restlessness sweeping over the face of the earth; Much running to and from. - Daniel 12:4. A confusing and foolish search for pleasure prevails, Instead of man turning earnestly to God for the answer to his soul’s quest. Many people give up honesty and decency with the vain hope of satisfying this aching void within. In their attempt to fill this emptiness. It is natural for people to pursue “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” - 1 John 2:16. Many people are being led farther and farther into Satan’s trap with these lusts.  

At the last day they will face the piercing truth, that Satan was a deceiver and that sinful, carnal living was only an illusion. At the end of life’s way they will be cast into the fiery pit of hell. There they will suffer untold torment and agony through the never-ending ages of eternity - Matthew 25:41;  Rev 20:10; 21:8.  Today is still the day of grace, the time when sinners can come to the Lord for forgiveness.  Today, if your heart is throbbing and crying out for peace and rest, turn to Him whom your soul loves.  Sin separates from God.  And there is only one who can save you. That one is Jesus, the only begotten son of God - John 3:16. He longs to save you.  He alone can give you rest of heart and mind.  He so tenderly invites “Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” - Matt 11:28.  

Jesus suffered and died on the cross to redeem our souls -1Peter 2:24.  We were the guilty ones!  Justice demanded that each of us should die-even the eternal death.  But because of this redemption,  death shall be “swallowed up in victory” -1 Cori 15:54.  Jesus was the innocent “Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.” - John 1:29.  He loved the souls of men so much that He was willing to leave His Father’s throne with all its glories and come to this earth.  Jesus lived here as a man and then gave His life on the cross.  He shed His blood to atone for our sins.  “That whosoever believeth   In him should not perish, but have eternal life” -1 John 3:15. 

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