1 min read

A foretaste description of the Great City of Heaven revealed through his written words to us.   (1)Heaven contains the glory of God (2) The light of heaven is like the most precious Jasper Stone and as clear as crystal. Rev 21:11 (3) Heavens walls are great and high and has twelve gates made of a single Pearl each of three facing the East; North; South and West of heaven, with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel inscribed on them, it has foundational stones with the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb inscribed on each stone. These gates are guarded by twelve angels. Rev 21:12-14,21

 (4) Heaven is in the form of equal square cube, same length wide and long. Rev 21:16. (5)The building of the wall is of jasper; and the city pure gold like clear glass. It is built on twelve layers of foundation stones inlaid with germs of the following: 1st layer jasper; 2nd sapphire; 3rd chalcedony; 4th emerald; 5th sardonyx; 6th sardus; 7th chrysolite; 8th beryl; 9th topaz; 10th chrysoprase; 11th jacinth 12th amethyst.Rev 21:18-20. 

(6) Heaven’s streets are made of pure gold and is as transparent as glass. Rev 21:21.(7) No Temple could be found in heaven as God and Jesus Christ are worshiped everywhere in heaven. Rev 21:22. (8) The city of heaven has no need of sun or moon to light it, for the glory of God and of the Lamb Illuminate it, and the redeemed in heaven walk in this light. Neither is there any night in heaven and the gates always open. Rev 21:23-25. 

(9) The River of Pure Water of Life which is as clear as crystal flows from the throne of God and the Lamb. Rev 22:1 On each side of the River grows Trees of Life, bearing Twelve crops of fruit, with fresh crops with healing leaves each month. Rev 22:2. Heaven is filled with His reigning servants who worship Him day and night. Rev 22:3 

I have come to discover that the number TWELVE stands as very significant number before our God. Our God is awesome. To say He is organised is an understatement. Even so with the orbiting of the earth and its seasons, they takes twelve months to be completed. Our clock starts from 0, once it gets to twelve, it signifies noon, another twelve signifies midnight. Do everything you can not to miss that awesome place called heaven, where houses are built with diamonds and the streets are made of gold. People's hearts are drawn away from God in this life because of gold. I shall begin to walk on the streets of gold one day, how about you? 

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