1 min read

We went further and reached the heaven where God lives. There, were beautiful houses. The walls of those houses were very high, of pure gold and of precious stones. There were twelve gates of pearls, with twelve angels at the gates. I thought I could not go in, but the Lord looked at me and said: "Do you want to go in? " "Oh yes Lord! I really want to."  "Then get in, for I myself am the door" (John 10:9).    At that moment I went in through a precious gate and I saw a garden of magnificent flowers. "Do you want to go in the garden? Then go in for I've prepared this for you and my people". When I stepped in, I started to pick some flowers and to arrange some bunches. I was running in the garden like a little girl. The flowers I picked had many colors with a very nice smell. After that, the Lord called someone. It was an angel, strong and so beautiful that I could not describe. The Lord told me: "Do you see this one, he is the Archangel Michael, he is the one who leads my army. Look again!" I saw a mighty army on horses and the Lord told me: "It's not a human army, but my Father's. This army is at the disposal of Christians who are REALLY born again; do not fear, for it is more powerful than the one which is in the world".    Then He showed me another angel. "This one is the messenger of Christians who obey my word". I was happy to hear that. Jesus told me: "Be attentive! I am the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Elijah, the One who caused fire to fall from heaven; I have not changed.  I am going to show you the condition in which my people live in these last days they've got left". The Lord told me: "Be very careful about the things I'm going to show you". 

I saw Christians who were weak and tired. The Lord asked me this question: "Do you believe that I can take this Church away in its present state?" Then He told me, "Christians that I will take away with me will be glorious, triumphant, spotless, blameless. Among my people there are lies, lack of love, my people is divided. I showed you the condition of Christians in these last days; Now I'm going to show you how the early Church lived. Those brothers and sisters were filled with the glory of God. They constantly fasted and prayed; they preached my word without any fear. Whereas present Christians think that I've changed, they also think that the Holy Spirit has changed. The big mistake of Christians today is the fact that they live a routine life, planned by human being. Therefore they've forgotten that the messages are from the Holy Spirit and from above. Tell my servants, the pastors that time has come to put behind those routine's programs. If they do, you will see the power of God in your midst, the Holy Spirit who was manifest in the early Church. He will perform signs, miracles and wonders in great number, causing the dead to rise. The Holy Spirit is still the same, it's you who have changed".    Christians, it's high time you came back to the life of the early Church.

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