1 min read
30. Testimony of Angelica (Part 2)

I prayed during all of August and then in November, a servant of the Lord came to our house and said, "May the Lord bless you." I replied, "Amen."  He then said, "I am here to bring you a message from God...you must prepare yourself, because the Lord will show you great and mighty things which you do not know.  He is going to show you Heaven and Hell because you have been asking, from Jeremiah 33:3."  I asked, "Yes, how did you know?  I haven't told that to anyone."  He responded, "The same God that you serve and praise, that very same God I also praise told me everything."Soon we began to pray.  Some sisters from our church, and others from my family were there with us praying.  But as soon as we started praying, I began to see the Heavens opened.  So I said, "I see the Heavens are opening, and 2 angels are coming down!"  The man said, "Ask them why they are here."They were tall and beautiful; with beautiful wings.  They were large and shining, and seemed transparent, brilliant as gold.  They wore crystal sandals and had on holy garments.  "Why are you here?" They smiled and said, "We are here because we have a task to carry out...We are here because you must visit Heaven and Hell and we will not leave until all of this comes to pass." I responded, "very well, but I only want to visit heaven, not hell."  They smiled, and stayed there, but did not say anything more.  

After we finished prayer, I could still see them there. I also started to see the Holy Spirit; He is my best friend; He is Holy, He is omniscient; He is omnipresent!  I could see Him, transparent and brilliant at the same time; with a brilliant countenance, I could see His smile and His loving gaze!  I can hardly describe Him, because He is more beautiful than angels.  The angels have their own beauty, but the Holy Spirit is far more beautiful than they are!  I could hear His audible voice, a voice full of love, a passionate voice.  I just can't explain His voice; a voice like lightening, yet at the same time He would say, "I am with you." so I would strive to continue walking with God, even as trials surrounded us.  We were going through very difficult moments, but victorious ones at the same time.  I said, "Lord, let Your will be done."  I continued to notice the angels even at school, and in my classes.  I was so happy, so full of joy because I could actually see them!.......

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