2 min read

I was looking at hell, and people were screaming "Ouch! Ouch! It's for ever! it's for ever! Pain and hatred for ever and ever."    I turned toward the Lord and asked Him: "Is there anyone from my family in this hell?" He answered me "I will not allow you to see a member of your family". I asked Him again: "Lord is there anyone that I know here?" "Yes", said the Lord and I will allow you to see him. Suddenly I saw a young man coming from the depths of the hell: It was Alexander.    I knew this young man at a crusade my husband and I attended in Dominica Republic. During that crusade, I heard a voice saying to me, "Get up, go and meet Alexander who is passing by. Tell him not to reject this message, for I'm giving him a last chance". This voice was the voice of the Lord even though I did not see Him. I told Alexander what the Lord told me. This is how he responded: "You Christians are all fools. You deceive people by telling them that Jesus Christ is coming, I, Alexander, do not believe this to be the truth". I told him: "Alexander, God gives lives and takes it away when he wants; Alexander, you will soon die. He answered: "I am too young to die, I still have many good years of festivities on this earth."    This chance was well and truly the last for Alexander. Dear reader, what do you know about yourself?    Three weeks later, Alexander died while he was drunk. His destination was this place of torment where I saw him (hell). The Bible states clearly that drunker will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5: 21).    When looking at people in hell, I could see Alexander attacked by two big worms. He was screaming "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" He was tormented. He recognized me and told me: "I neglected my last chance. I am here today, suffering. Please, when you return to earth, go to my house and tell my family to believe in Jesus Christ and to obey His word, so that they will not come to this place of torment."

Then the Lord showed me thousands of people who were suffering in hell, and He told me: "You see, some of these people knew Me when they were on earth. There are still a lot of people on earth who walk on the street without knowing where they go. Know that the way to heaven is very narrow, and it will be narrower again. There will be difficulties on earth, so that you will be as pure as gold, but fear not for I am ahead of you like a mighty warrior".    I asked Him: "ARE THERE CHRISTIANS IN THIS HELL?", He answered: "Yes, do you know why? They believed in Me but they did not walk according to my Word. There are many, those Christians who only behave well when they are in the temple, in front of their pastors and their family. But they are greatly deceiving themselves. The eyes of my Father sees everything and He understands every word, wherever you are.Tell my people that it's time they lived a holy life before my Father, before the devil and before the world. Let the devil has no right to accuse my people; and let the world not pointing finger at my people. It's high time we sought holiness and consecration "(1 Peter 1: 14-16)

Then we went somewhere where there was a lake of fire. As we were approaching the lake, I perceived a very bad smell and the Lord told me: "What you see there is a lake of fire, which is already ready for the devil, the false prophet, and the Antichrist. I did not prepare this place for men, but all those who do not believe in me as their Savior and those who do not live according to my word will go there (Revelation 20:14)"    At that moment I saw Jesus weeping and He told me again: "There are too many those who are lost than those who go to heaven". Then Jesus showed me the number of people who were dying in a minute and He told me: "Look! How many are lost! My Church is sleeping despite the fact that She has received my power; She has my word and the Holy Spirit, but She is sleeping. On earth there are people who preach that hell does not exist. Go and tell them that this place is real".    I was very far from that place, but I could feel the heat. We left the Hades and we went to heaven. We kept on going and went to the second heaven. In that heaven the Lord showed me the sun and the stars and He told: "Look at these stars, I call each one of them by its name. Do you see this sun, it's by my power that it shines both on the righteous and the wicked. But there will come a day when the sun will no longer shine, everything will be darkness"...........

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