1 min read

He then led me again towards my bed and asked me to phone a brother from my congregation. He gave me the name of the then brother. He then asked me to tell him that my spirit would come out of my body, and that they should not bring my corps to the hospital or to the any funeral ceremony. Instead, they should tell my husband to trust the one who is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11: 25). The Lord told me again: "I who give life, I take your spirit but you will come back and tell the peoples to trust me fully. The one who believes in me will never die" (John 11:26). He stretched His hands and I saw that another body came out of me. I was dressed in white and I was shining like the Lord, He told me: "Look! This is the body that Christians who obey my Word will soon have".    I realized that I could go through the walls. The Lord who was holding me by my hand said: "Look"! When I turned, I saw my body without spirit. He explained to me that my physical body was worthless, it was nothing but dust, and that at death it will become dust again, as any physical body. He added that the new body I had was a glorious one which is the spirit He gave to man. I thought He would lead me straight to heaven, but it was not the case. We descended through a tunnel below the earth, and when approaching a certain place I could perceive an unbearable smell. I said: "Lord I do not want to go into that place". But we went in; that place was dark and not worth living. 

I heard people suffering, weeping and screaming. When we got to the end of the tunnel, we sat on a rock and the Lord told me: "Look"! I saw people suffering. In hell, people spend their time crying, and no one cares about others.    Dear brothers and sisters, I just came to realize that HELL IS REAL. I wept and wept, and when I looked at the Lord, He told me: "Hold on to what you have seen, and do not forget it".............

You would truly know that this message is of God, if it causes you to reflect back on your ways before the Lord; if it causes you to go on your knees in repentance before the Lord, bringing an awakening upon your spirit and creating a revival in you; if it causes you to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour and does not bring confusion to you, but rather strengthens you in the Lord. In all these and the Spirit of God bearing witness in your spirit that these things are true, know for sure that it is from the Lord Jesus Christ to His church and the world at large. I pray earnestly that many lives will be continually transformed by the power of this message in Jesus name. God bless you.

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