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5. Testimony of Young Thang(Part 2) Going to Heaven and Hell

............ I tried to move but could not. In my mind, I said to myself,” Look! My body has become immobile. I cannot move my eyes. My mouth is tightly closed. It cannot be opened!” Then, I sensed that this was not ordinary cold. These were the signs of dying. I could not resist death.  However, I knew where I would be going. I would be in heaven! Looking at my wife, I took pity on her as she would be alone for the rest of her life. So I prayed to God to take care of her for her entire life. I committed my life in God’s hands in the name of Jesus. After a while, I saw cluster of dark clouds descending from the sky. (Though there was a roof on top of me, I could actually see the sky through it.) The dark clouds were approaching me. They landed and stopped above my bed about three feet away. At that very moment, my soul left my body.  I looked down and saw my body lying beside my wife. It was completely a lifeless corpse! I was well aware that my body had died. Suddenly, I saw large demons coming from all directions. They gathered around my bed and stared at my body. I then looked towards the sky and shouted, “Angels! Please protect my body immediately.” Thank God that although I had never known how angels looked like, they appeared when I shouted. Five angels came down immediately from heaven to guard my body. At the same time, the demons, which gathered around my body, disappeared instantly I suddenly remembered what was mentioned in the Bible ‘Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation’ (Hebrews 1:14). After that, I looked what was ahead of me. I saw a place burning with large flames of fire. It was horrified. From the fire, I heard thousands of lost souls crying out, “Please save us! This place is too much for us to bear and we are in great pain and suffering.” When I saw them, my heart was overwhelmed with sorrow. Suddenly, I heard a voice from heaven saying, “This is hell!” I had read about the existence of hell in the Bible. I now saw the place ‘hell’ with my very own eyes and it was real. I wondered why these souls were suffering in such a terrible place. The lord knew my heart and said, “When they were alive in the world, they did not accept me as their Lord. After they passed away, they were immediately brought to this place.” Then I saw a big black hole. It was very deep and filled with powerful unquenchable flames. It looked very frightening. A voice spoke to me, “This is the bottomless pit where the devil will be bound one day.” When I looked down at the world from a high altitude, I saw people going and coming forth, working and sleeping, eating and spending but they were never content in their lives. This led to frustration and ended with miseries and sufferings. The world is really not a good place to live. I felt deeply grieved in my heart for the suffering world and uncontrollable tears were rolling down my cheeks.

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