1 min read
4  The Testimony of Young Thang

 INTRODUCTION My name is Yong Thang and I am from Myanmar (Burma). I belong to the Chin tribe. This tribe is one of Myanmar’s Nationals. I came from a poor traditional peasant family. I was born on 3 April 1958. I grew up in a small village in the Chin State. 


Because of my family’s financial difficulties, I left school when I was studying at ninth standard. Then I started working with my parents. At that time, my family members were just traditional Christians. They did not know where they would be going after death. When one of my friends asked me,” Yong Thang, where do you think you will be going after death?” I could not answer him. I was not sure of myself whether my soul would go to heaven or to hell when I die. To me, heaven seemed to be a fairy tale. It was hard to understand and difficult to accept. I did not know what it means to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. During the spring season in 1980, there was a Bible seminar being held in our village. I attended the seminar from the beginning to the end. From that seminar, I became aware of the salvation in Jesus Christ. There was revival in the whole village. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour with all my heart since then. During the Day of Pentecost in 1980, all the villagers went up to the mountain to fast and pray for three days. On the last day of fasting and prayer, I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit and I felt my whole body being “warmed up”. I experienced unspeakable peace, rest and joy in my heart. I knew beyond the shadow of doubt that I was a new creation and had eternal life. By fasting and prayer, I received the assurance of salvation in Christ. I had full confidence that I would be in heaven when I die. 


Not long after I had got married, my wife and I moved to Thayar Gong village in Kalay, which is a part of Sagai province in Myanmar and we were working in the farm. A few years later in early August 1984, I became critically ill. I was bedridden for several days and could not eat. Although my wife took care of me as best as she could, my condition became worse. Realizing that I might not live long, she quickly informed my family members, relatives and friends to visit and see me for the last time. They came and visited me as soon as they heard about my condition. On 13 August, about 7pm, I gradually felt in my body that my blood circulation was not normal. It was Sunday and all my family members, relatives and friends had gone to church for evening worship service except my wife. My wife was then falling asleep as she was physically exhausted.  I experienced tremendous physical change in my body step by step. I was very anxious and I thought, “Oh! Today is my last day. I am about to die soon.” I intended to wake my wife up to say my last words to her but I changed my mind as I did not want her to feel sad. My toes started to feel cold. Soon, my legs, fingers and my whole body were gradually turning cold………….


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