1 min read
27. “Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of C. Thomas. -Part 7-------C. T. SPEAKING:

This message has been brought on to this site in order to help spread the goodness, mercies, and message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of this generation. It has been a way of aiding continuity of this testimony, hence, spreading the gospel message, saving many from eternal destruction unto eternal life, from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear Son our Lord Jesus Christ, bringing hope to the hopeless, restoring those who have backslidden from the faith and awakening the church of God from her slumber. 

You would truly know that this message is of God, if has caused you to reflect back on your ways before the Lord; if it has caused you to go on your knees in repentance before the Lord, bringing an awakening upon your spirit and creating a revival in you; if it has caused you to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour and has not brought confusion to you, but rather has strengthened you in your walk with the Lord. 

In all these and the Spirit of God bearing witness in your spirit that these things are true, know for sure that it has been from the Lord Jesus Christ to His church and the world at large. I pray earnestly that many lives will be continually transformed by the power of this message in Jesus name.

At this point in time, you may wish to ask Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness, asking Him to wash away your sins with His precious blood. There is power of salvation and deliverance in His blood to wash away the vilest of sins and to break every chains of darkness from over your life. You can be delivered from all internal and external struggles by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. You can make Him your Lord and Master and serve him till the end of age. You will not need to suffer eternal judgment and spend eternity in hell fire, with horrific animals, demons and the devil, but rather, you will be able to live with Jesus Christ in heaven in the presence of God the father, Son , Holy Ghost, the company of innumerable Angels, saints who have gone ahead and other glorious heavenly hosts after you pass on from life on earth. 

I do hope you will be able to make this wonderful decision in Jesus name. God bless you.

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