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25. “Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of C T. Speaking.Part 5

And after that, God showed me a different scene. This scene was a very sad one. It was horrible. The Bible also talks about a time of great distress, soon after the rapture. In Matthew 24:21-22, Jesus said  “For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now -and never to be equaled again.  If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.” This is known as the great tribulation.  

Well, after that, the Lord Jesus showed me another vision. This was people left behind. I believe among them are a lot of Christians. That’s why they were running right? If they weren’t Christians, they weren’t running, you know. But the police were everywhere, people were everywhere and they, just kept running, scared, and panicked face, going to the car, going to the boat, running to the mountain, they just didin't know where to go.  It looked as if they were being chased by, a monster or something. So scared, it was a horrible scene. And after that, Lord Jesus He told me, "what you seen just now is nothing compared to what will happen that day comes".  Jesus said, after that all my people are raptured, Satan will take over this world and he would want everyone to receive his number 666. And anyone who refused to receive it, they will be beheaded. So whoever didn’t want to receive the marks of the beast number 666, they gave their heart to Jesus, they wanted to be with Him forever and ever, Revelation 20:4. And then, whoever receive mark of the beast number 666, they all will thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever; they will be burning in there day and night, no resting, Revelation 14:11. So everybody should know about these things and remember it will not easy way. They will be tortured so much before they will being beheaded, because satan will not allow them to give in easily. So, whoever hear this message, please if you are not have a close relationship with our Lord Jesus, please do something about your salvation. Also, if you are left behind, no-matter what it cost, don’t ever, ever take the marks of the beast number 666. It’s better to be suffer for a while than suffer in hell for ever and ever burning in fire and please,  please take seriously what I’m saying.

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