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24. “Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of Choo Thomas. -Part 4-------C.T SPEAKING

On my next visitation, he showed me another sad thing. It was aborted babies. He took me to this one place it was a huge building. They looked like warehouse. When we walked in it, all I could see were babies, tiny, tiny naked babies. And they were lying side by side. Humm, and I began to cry. Lord, why is so many babies. He said, "they are the aborted babies". I said what are you going to do with them. He said that if their mothers are saved and they come to heaven, they will have their baby back. That was it. “His words stirred me deeply. My heart actually ached with love for my Lord. He stood up, and I knew it was time for us to leave. I continued to cry, but my heart was reassured with the knowledge I would be with the Lord forever and that He would always be with me on earth. 

At the dressing room, an angel of the Lord embraced me. It was so exhilarating to be in a place where so much love, compassion and understanding were always present. As I changed my clothing, I surmised that both Abraham and the angel knew this would be my last visit to heaven. As I walked out of the changing room, the angel hugged me once more. This angel had blond hair, flowing white robes and a face that was tender and warm. The angel smiled at me as I walked towards the Lord. When the Lord Jesus took me to heaven the 17th time, He showed me clouds. And that was the end of my visitation in Heaven. The Lord Jesus told me this is the last time you are here. I will not bring you here until the last day. I just felt I knew this, that was the last day. And I began to cry, because I didn’t want to leave there. I was holding His arm and I said Lord, please don’t let me go, I don’t want to go because I want to come here over and over. It was very very sad for me, that I couldn’t go there anymore, because each time I went with Him in heaven, I saw sad things, but joy peace, I can never explain, never can explain the joy, peace I had there. Even sad, I still had the joy, the peace. So much love, I cried many days for that. After all that, about a couple of weeks later, Lord Jesus, He brought me to the beach with my spirit body and His. And we sat in the usual place, then we talked for awhile and then, He told me, I will show you something. The minute He said that, I had a vision voice. Every time He shows me something special, I get a special vision voice that is coming my inner body, stomach. It was so loud and this vision voice took very long time. Then I could hear noises, such such loud noises, It felt as if the whole world was coming down, so loud, just horrible noises. Then I looked, whole air was white. People with white robe flying everywhere, just keep popping out, popping out, just disappearing, popping out, filled with air, with people. Then I knew that it was the rapturing. I was laughing, crying, screaming, so excited, and then I saw my granddaughter, she was only ten months old, she didn’t have no hair, suddenly she flew out the window from inside the room. Then with white rob and her hair came down to her shoulder. You can imagine how excited I was. Then next minute, I saw my other granddaughter, she was only 4 months old, she didn’t have no hair. She flew out the window, same as the other one, with white robe. And her hair too came down to her shoulder. I was screaming, crying, laughing, exciting so much just I had never been excited that much before, just excited,and  whole house could hear. Good thing my husband wasn’t home. If he was home, he really would have thought that something was wrong with me.

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