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23. “Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of C.T -Part 3

She described hell vision as follows: Next, He showed me Hell. He took me to hell, the first thing I saw inside was all fire, but it was a deep, dark, endless hole. People were naked, with no hair. They didn’t have no hair, they didn’t have no clothes on, all naked body. They were standing so close to each other. Seems like they were they were pushing each other against another because they wanted to get away from the fire. Each time they moved, the fire followed them, back and forth, back and forth, the whole place was fire, and these people were standing so close to each other. They looked so painful and sad and I couldn’t help crying so much for them. 

Then he took there a second time and I saw same people again. Then I heard voices and I looked a the directions, so many Orientals there. I could see fumes and dark smoke rising from a deep pit. It was like the crater of a volcano, and inside I could see flames scorching a multitude of people who were screaming and crying in the kind of agony that only the severely burned truly know. There was no escape for those who were captured.  The pit's walls were too deep for them to climb, and hot coals of fire were all around the edges. The flames were scorching their bodies. The flames would leap out unexpectedly from all directions. People would move away, and then as soon as they seemed to think that they were safe, another fire would burst forth. There was no rest for these unfortunate victims of sin; they were doomed to spend all eternity being scorched and burned as they endeavored to escape the flames of hell. “Who are these people?” I asked. “My daughter, these people did not know Me.” And this one lady, she was waving at me, saying so hot, so hot. I looked at her and our eyes meet each other. That's my mother. When I realized it was my mother, my heart dropped and I began to cry. I have never felt such a pain, just pain. So pain, I didn’t know what to do. And she kept saying hot, hot and she was waving at me. I could see that, she wanted me to come down and help her. Then I looked, other people, there was my dad, my stepmother, my young nephew, he died very young and two friends that I knew. Oh, that was such a painful memory and I keep crying crying crying, then the Lord Jesus told me “daughter, I have a good reason to show you this, but I am hurting more than you are”. Uumm. And I told Him, Lord, my mother, she died young, she has been sick for a very long time. I don’t think she was a bad person. He said, "It does not matter how good people are, whoever doesn't know me, this is the only place they go." But in my heart saying, why are you showing me this to hurt me this way. I thought about that, but I could never angry at Him. I couldn’t see His face, but I could tell He was crying with me. I just feel that. He looked so sad, then He touch my head, took my hand, we walked out there and I was crying the whole time we were walking.

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