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22.“Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of Choo-Part 2

The Very first time He only showed me His throne room. Then after that we came down from heaven and then, we were sitting on the sand on earthly beach. And then He began to talk. He said, "We just went to Kingdom of Heaven. The only one who will come there are obedient and pure hearted", and He said "Preaching thegospel is very important." He waited for awhile, and He said "those who don’t tithe, they are disobedient Christians." That was the last word He said the the first trip. 

“In my transformed body, I walked with the Lord on the beach, and then He escorted me to heaven. We walked through the pearly gates and went to the white building to change our clothing.  After changing, we walked across the golden bridge. It all was becoming so natural to me. Each believer, I’m sure, will go through the same procedure when he or she goes to heaven.  

After that, He took me to heaven 16 more times. Each time He took me there, He showed me different things. And when He showed me special things, always, he was saying that I prepared this for my children, I know what they like.  Like when He showed me the beach.  You see daughter how beautiful this beach is, I know my children like beaches, and when He took me to fishing, he said: I know my children like fishing, that’s why I have prepared so many things that they like. I realized that in heaven, it is well a thousand times more beautiful than the Earth. A lot of things in heaven are similar to things on the  Earth like roads, buildings, trees, bushes, rocks, flowers, rough places. There are so many things there; but they are a thousand times more beautiful than Earthly things, just beautiful. The beauty of heaven is indescribable and I can’t even describe how beautiful they are, just beautiful. 

 I realized how much Jesus loves each and every one of us. The way He talked to me was saying that “you see how much I love my children and I did all these things for my children”, you know. That is why He took me there to show what He prepared for His children, so let each and everyone know what heaven is awaiting for us.  So before He comes, He wants all the Christians to know these things, so they can be filled with the excitement of going there. That is why I believe He showed me these things.  He just showed me some specific things, just said very few words, necessary words He told me. That’s a loving God. He is In heaven. Whatever he showed me was such an exciting thing and awesome. Praise you Lord.

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