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“Heaven is so Real” and this is the story of Choo Thomas. -Part 1In 1992, a Korean American by the name of Choo Thomas, becomes a born again Christian. What makes this story unique is that two years after her conversion, Choo was visited by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. She was subsequently escorted to heaven several times and shown hell twice.   

--------CHOO THOMAS SPEAKING:--------- “Well… Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to testify. Halleluiah. I become Christian since in 1992 and I literally fell in love with Jesus after I went to church a few times and I wanted to give every area of my being to Him the rest of my life. In January, 1996 , Lord Jesus, He was visiting me with His visual presence. And He visited me for 10 times to tell me how He going to use, and the all the things, His plans and He was telling me about it.  But He didn’t tell me He was going to take me to Heaven. So, after 10 times, February 19, 96, He began to take me to Heaven with my transformed body, like His Spirit body, my body. 

Each time, before He took me to Heaven, He brought me to the beach, earthly beach. The very first time before he took me Heaven, He took me to one side of the beach He showed me small body of water crystal clear then He showed me huge shiny tunnel. So after that he took me to heaven “The Lord and I walked along the road that came down from the top of the hill. Eventually we reached a huge white gate that stood in front of a large white building. We walked through the gate and proceeded towards the white building. We entered and walked down a long corridor that led to a very large room. Which we entered . 

As I looked down, I realized for the first time that I was wearing a different robe than I had on at the beach, and I could feel something heavy was resting on my head. I reached up and discovered a beautiful crown had been placed there without my realizing it. Then I looked directly at the Lord. He was sitting on a throne, and He wore a radiant gown and golden crown. Others were there with me, kneeling on the floor and prostrating themselves before Him. The walls of the room were made of large shiny stones that glowed. The multicolored rocks provided an effect that made the room seem warm and happy, as well as mysterious. Then, just as quickly as I had been transported up the mountain and into the white building, I found myself on the beach again.

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