1 min read

Daniel like Lazarus of old had been raised from the dead! The story of his resurrection spread like wildfire. Everywhere he went people knew that God had performed a miracle. In the days and weeks that followed, Daniel began to share about something that happened to him as his body lay lifeless in the mortuary. He spoke about a journey with an angel who allowed him to visit both heaven and hell."He told me we are going to visit paradise," Daniel said. "So we visited a place. When we approached the place I saws multitudes of people that looked exactly like the one with me, that angel that was with me. The angel with me wore white apparel. The body was pure white. The apparel was pure white, but the apparel did not look removable from the body. When I saw this crowd they looked exactly like the one with me. In my heart I said, ' look at where the angels gather."  

After that he then said, 'Let us go and visit the mansion that Jesus promised.' He (the angel) now took me to a wonderful place. In fact, what I saw there, I do not have any words to describe it. It was so glorious. It was a very wonderful mansion. You could look at the building and it would look like glass or look like gold or whatever. Even the flowers there looked like gold."Then the angel said, 'Now let us visit hell.' In the twinkle of an eye, we found ourselves in the place. Immediately the gate opened. I started hearing lamentation. So I looked inside and I saw people like us here. They were putting on some clothes.They had the same flesh; some are black and some are white. They just looked like us.They were shouting - there was a lot of pain, a lot of torment. It was to the extent that immediately when the gate was opened, it was as if they were seeing me.They were asking me for help, shouting. And I remember one. He was shouting. 'I am a pastor, I only stole church money and I am ready to refund it immediately.' He just said he was ready to refund it and that I should help. There was a force that was tormenting them. I never saw any fire there and I never saw any flames in hell, but the torment there looks as if the people are inside fire. It was then that the angel declared something to Daniel that caused his heart to melt with fear. He told Daniel that he deserved to be in hell too because he had unforgiveness in his heart!" 

So while I was shouting and asking the angel for help, that I have another chance to go back, he mentioned this: that the request of the rich man in hell had been granted to this generation. I did not understand it. It was later, when I woke up and read the Bible, that I realized what the request was. The rich man (in Luke 16) was requesting, that a dead man should be sent back to the world. So he just said that the request of the rich man had been granted to this generation for the last warning. He said to me that he is giving me an opportunity to go back for the last warning to this generation," Daniel said.Today, that is precisely what Daniel is doing -- warning everyone who will listen of the judgment to come -- and the promise of everlasting life to those who trust in the name of Jesus.

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