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I come from a divorced family and I grew up with my father. My mother was a very religious woman. As for my father, he believed in nothing. I have a sister who is in a convent, but I know that Jesus will soon take her out of that and she will preach the Gospel with me. I pray a lot for her. When I was thinking about my mother's life in that mystic religion, during my first journey in paradise, I cried before the Lord and told Him: "Lord my mother is lost, yet I've preached the Gospel to her but she won't listen. More and more she is clung to the pagan religion". The Lord answered me: "I will save your mother, but I will take her home immediately otherwise she will fall back into sin and go to hell. For this reason, as soon as she is converted, she will die some time later and come here, in paradise".    

When I came back on earth, I prayed, cried, sighed, reminding the Lord the promise he gave me, but I saw my mother who was more and more involved in the idolatry of her religion. One day God used my son to convert my mother. Just three days after her conversion, she died; praise the Lord!   During my second journey in paradise the Lord told me: "Look, what my mouth says, my hands fulfill it". I saw my mother in that beautiful paradise; she was among other women. 

Then the Lord led me in an area in the paradise. There I saw thousands of children clothed in white who were praising and glorifying the Lord. Jesus told me: "These children are those who have been aborted by parents and criminals doctors. Babies that people killed whilst they are still in their mother's womb, and that are found in dustbins and rivers, are here in heaven."    Dear brothers and sisters, contrary to what you think, for the Lord a fetus is a human being from conception, from the first day of pregnancy.   

Jesus told me again: "Bernarda, work for I am your strength. This message has to be published into the whole world. It's a message for Christians, pastors, and for all the inhabitants of the earth, including you. Let him who is holy continue to be holy."    At that moment the gates of heaven were opened. There was a beautiful escalator. Jesus called thousands of angels who came, and then the Lord accompanied me to my home.    When we got home, I saw my husband and the Christian brothers who were waiting for my spirit to come. I looked at my physical body that remained on earth, and I told the Lord that I do no longer want this body. The Lord told me: "You cannot go back to heaven with me for it is not your time yet. You have to tell my people first what you saw in order for them to get ready". With a powerful voice, He told me: "Enter and receive life, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11: 25-26).  by Bernada Fernandez

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