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 Suddenly, Jesus and I left that place to the first heaven, and then to the second heaven, said Bernarda. When we reached the third heaven, I saw angels bustling from one side to the other; then I asked the Lord: "Why are these angels in motion?" Jesus answered: "It's true that my angels are in motion here, but I'm going to show you how the earth is also in motion. Be careful because many demons have invaded the earth. The devil is furious against Christians because he has little time left".    The Lord allowed me to see those demons in a terrible anger, and He told me: "Those demons you see are demons of adultery. They will attack thousands of My servants and many will fall into that sin. Do you know why the devil succeeds in causing my servants to fall? It is because my servants do not give me all the glory. They steal my glory and become proud. On top of that, their wives live in a great spiritual disorder. They did not build their homes with wisdom." (1 Timothy 2:11-14)    I saw thousands of angels that I could not count, there were many of them ready for the battle. Then Jesus told me: "Now I'm sending these thousands of angels on the earth to protect my people. In these last days, I will double the protection.  . Satan also will double his attacks, but you should not forget that your God is great and mighty.  If you are attached to Him nothing will happen to you".    

The Lord then brought me to another place. There, I saw a huge table rounded with golden chairs. On each chair, a name was written, and a robe of fine linen was also placed. In front of each chair, on the table I saw crowns. Then I noticed that there was a chair that was bigger than others. In front of that chair was a huge cup in gold. Jesus told me to go and see what is in the cup. It was full of wine, ready to be served. Jesus told me: "Do you know why the wine is ready to be served?  Go and tell my people that I am at the door, I'm coming soon".  The Lord gave me a robe of fine linen and a crown.  I wore the robe and the crown, then the Lord brought me to another place where I saw things like in a mirror. He told me: "There's neither stain nor crease on your robe, isn't it?  None will enter through this door nor take place at this table, unless he is clothed like this. Some among my people on earth have dirtied their robes. Others have crumpled robes, and still others have put theirs aside, and have forgotten them. Tell my people that it's time they washed their robes, ironed them and took them back. Christians should ask the Holy Spirit to help them keeping their robes in good state, because the King will soon celebrate the Marriage Supper in His Father's kingdom".

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