2 min read

 - by Bernada Fernandez …………….PART 8    

When we were still in the air, the Lord told me that the hands of his Father have been stretched out upon the inhabitants of the earth. I saw the sea with gigantic waves, resembling a monster. I also saw hurricane happening on earth. I asked the Lord: "Lord what will become of Christians when all this happen?" He answered: "Go and tell them that, for those who are faithful to me, none of their hair will be touched". After that the Lord brought me to another place, I saw places where the earth was split. The Lord told me: "Many countries will soon be wiped out". 

Then we left that place and went to another place where waters were in motion. We went by these waters through a tunnel and reached the depths of the earth. I saw great doors. It was not the same as those I saw during my first journey. On these doors were big chains. The Lord went towards the doors, and after he had removed the chains, He let me in through the tunnel.    Dear brothers and sisters, I saw thousands of people, with their head down, wearing torn clothes. They were chained, with big chains whose noise could lead to deafness. Then I said: "Lord, what does this mean?" He answered: "All these men and women are on their way to hell". Among those who were on their way to hell, I saw my husband's senior brother, Adolfo. He was a difficult man, he used to get married and divorced when he wanted, and he used to curse God. Then I started pleading with the Lord to let me go back on earth and warn Adolfo that he was going to hell, but the Lord did not answer me. Again I saw Adolfo and his wife walking through the tunnel. They were at the edge of hell. I pleaded with the Lord again to let me go back on the earth and tell people what I have seen. The Lord lifted his hands up and said: "Go and tell them that time is nearly over". He said again: "Thousands and thousands of people will go to hell, Adolfo's time is over, he is going to die".    

When I came on earth, my brother in law, Adolfo did not want to change his way of living. One day, he quickly came home from work and said to his wife: "I can't work any longer, something is telling me that I'm going to die". His wife answered: "It's because you are drunk as usual that you're saying this". Both of them went to bed. Some minutes later, she had a vision. In her vision she saw her husband and she in a tunnel, clothed with shabby clothes, and going to hell. She heard the Lord telling her: "Time for both of you is over".    When I was still in the air the Lord told me: "Do you know why I brought you here for a second time? It was to show you that during your first visit, the number of lost was less than this time". site).


At this point in time, you may wish to ask Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness, asking Him to wash away your sins with His precious blood. There is power of salvation and deliverance in His blood to wash away the vilest of sins and to break every chains of darkness from over your life. You can be delivered from all internal and external struggles by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. You can make Him your Lord and Master and serve him till the end of age. You will not need to suffer eternal judgment and spend eternity in hell fire, with horrific animals, demons and the devil, but rather, you will be able to live with Jesus Christ in heaven in the presence of God the father, Son , Holy Ghost, the company of innumerable Angels, saints who have gone ahead and other glorious heavenly hosts after you pass on from life on earth. I do hope you will be able to make this wonderful decision in Jesus name. God bless you. ~ Evang. Eniola Ijaduola.

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