2 min read


One day we were at a prayer meeting, we were twenty in number. As usual, we started by praising and worshiping the Lord.    Suddenly we felt the presence of God. It was so powerful as if we were on the day of Pentecost. I remember that my husband's mother, who is well advanced in age and very devoted in the work of the Lord came to me and said: "Bernarda, let's keep the noise down during the praise for we're making a lot of noise". She was right, because the praise was like a sound of waterfall. As I was about to ask my brothers to keep the noise down, I heard the Lord telling me: "Don't say anything! In the world, when people are making noise, nobody cares, why then should you stop the praise?" We then carried on praising and worshiping the Lord, and I felt that something great would take place. Suddenly I remembered what the Lord told me on my first journey: "I'll come back for you".    

All of a sudden I saw a bright light flooding my home. My brothers also saw the light, and they all knelt down before this True and Faithful God. I did not know what to do, and I just stood still. That light became brighter, and took a human form. I had in front of me the Lord Jesus Christ whose look was beautiful and full of love. On earth, I have never seen such beauty on a man's face.  He came closer to each of my brothers. As I was about to tell my brothers that the Lord came for me I started speaking in tongues. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40)    The Lord came closer to me. Just by looking at me, my spirit left my body. I was in the air and I saw what was happening in my house. I saw people ringing my door's bell, and when my husband went to answer, two policemen were at the door. The policemen said: "We heard that a lady died here; that's why we came". My husband told them no, here we meet to worship and praise the Lord. The policemen did not really believe, but they could not enter. They said: "OK, carry on but do not make a lot of noise". I was in the air when I saw all this.    

Jesus took me by hands and we went towards the Dominican Republic. When we reached the city, the Lord told me: "There are two great sins this country commits before my Father, witchcraft and idolatry". I saw the people of that country running after sorcerers and fetish...    After that the Lord brought me to Venezuela and to Mexico. In Venezuela, I was in the air with Jesus, but I saw people turning to magic, fetish, and to witchcraft. In Mexico I saw people meeting and worshiping demons. The Lord told me: "The horror of this sin has reached my Father. The first sign I give as a warning is that there will be an earthquake in Mexico if the inhabitants of the country do not repent and come back to me". When I came back on earth, I went to Mexico and gave the message. The people did not listen and recently there was a terrible earthquake in Mexico.To be continued........... site).

At this point in time, you may wish to ask Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness, asking Him to wash away your sins with His precious blood. There is power of salvation and deliverance in His blood to wash away the vilest of sins and to break every chains of darkness from over your life. You can be delivered from all internal and external struggles by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. You can make Him your Lord and Master and serve him till the end of age. You will not need to suffer eternal judgment and spend eternity in hell fire, with horrific animals, demons and the devil, but rather, you will be able to live with Jesus Christ in heaven in the presence of God the father, Son , Holy Ghost, the company of innumerable Angels, saints who have gone ahead and other glorious heavenly hosts, after you pass on from life on earth. I do hope you will be able to make this wonderful decision in Jesus name. God bless you.  

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