1 min read

 - by B. Fernadez.

We entered a lounge in that new Jerusalem and the Lord told me: "What you see is paradise". In Paradise I saw the apostles and I asked the Lord, Lord where is Abraham? I was expecting to see and old man, but suddenly I saw a young man aged about 25 approaching and Jesus told me, this is Abraham, the father of Faith.    The Lord called a very beautiful woman with an unspeakable beauty, like all those I saw there, and He told me: "This is Mary! Go and tell every body that Mary is not the Queen of heaven. The King of heaven is I, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords; the One who says: "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIVE. (John 14: 6-7). Go and tell this BLINDFOLDED MANKIND that there no purgatory, for if there was one, I would have shown you. Instead, there is hell, the lake of fire, the precious Jerusalem, and the paradise which I showed you. But tell them that there is no purgatory; tell them that IT'S A LIE FROM THE DEVIL, THERE IS NO PURGATORY".

Then the Lord led me to a store of crowns. "These are crowns of life". The Lord asked me: "What do you see?" I saw my local Church, the believers of that community, singing and preaching, then I asked Jesus: "Why are the names of the believers of my community not written in this book?" And He told me: "Because of their wrongdoing on the earth". After all this the Lord allowed me to come back on earth. Jesus took me and  we went further and reached the heaven where God lives. There, were beautiful houses. The walls of those houses were very high, of pure gold and of precious stones. There were twelve gates of pearls, with twelve angels at the gates. I thought I could not go in, but the Lord looked at me and said: "Do you want to go in? " "Oh yes Lord! I really want to." "Then get in, for I myself am the door" (John 10:9). At that moment I went in through a precious gate and I saw a garden of magnificent flowers. "Do you want to go in the garden? Then go in for I've prepared this for you and my people". When I stepped in, I started to pick some flowers and to arrange some bunches. I was running in the garden like a little girl. The flowers I picked had many colours with a very nice smell. 

After that, the Lord called someone. It was an angel, strong and so beautiful that I could not describe. The Lord told me: "Do you see this one, he is the Archangel Michael, he is the one who leads my army. Look again!" I saw a mighty army on horses and the Lord told me: "It's not a human army, but my Father's. This army is at the disposal of Christians who are REALLY born again; do not fear, for it is more powerful than the one which is in the world". Then He showed me another angel. "This one is the messenger of Christians who obey my word". I was happy to hear that. Jesus told me: "Be attentive! I am the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Elijah, the One who caused fire to fall from heaven; I have not changed.  

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