2 min read

..................I then left this beautiful garden and went to the lovely street of Gold and the Lord told me: "Touch! Yes it's pure Gold. Go and tell my children that VERY SOON, they are going to walk on these streets of gold by the hand of the One who gives life(Revelation 21:10-15)"    Oh! How great it is to walk on those streets of gold! 

After that I saw a splendid Throne surrounded by Angels, Archangels and Seraphs. They were continually praising God, the One who was on the Throne, saying: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty; heaven and earth are filled with his Glory. Amen!" Time has come to lift up holy hands unto me and praise me". At the same time I saw the river of the water of life flowing from the Throne. I also saw the tree of life and at the other end I saw the rainbow and the river of crystal. Then, I asked the Lord: "Who is on the throne?" He answered: "It's my Father, the Lord of Host". I told Him: "Can I see the Father", "No it's not yet time", the Lord answered.    Even though I did not see the Father, the One who was on the throne was Mighty. I saw thunder and flashes of lightning coming from the throne and I heard praises. Jesus told me: "Do you hear these praises? These are the praises of those who are redeemed". I saw seven angels, each one of them holding a golden bowl; and seven others (angels), each holding a trumpet. "Lord, who are these angels?" The Lord answered: "The seven bowls that the angels hold are filled with the wrath of God. They will soon be poured out and when the trumpets sound, my Church (those Christians who live according to the will of my Father) will be caught up. They will no longer be on earth during the great tribulation. Before the Antichrist manifests himself, this man of sin, my Church will hear the last trumpets' sound, and they will meet me in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16).    

I was there, dear friend, in front of a great throne, and I did not have any notion of time. A moment later Jesus showed me how His Church (the true believers) will be caught up! I saw in this vision, thousands of people disappearing. This happened world-wide, and TV and radio gave the news of the disappearance. Newspapers with (big headlines in red), also brought out the news. The Lord told me: "The news will soon happen". If the judgments of My Father have not yet come upon the earth, it's because of the faithful Christians, those who really love me."    

After that, I saw the appearance of the man of sin. He was saying to the inhabitants of the earth: "I'm bringing you peace and safety" and immediately people forgot the event that had just taken place. Jesus told me: "Look carefully!". I saw in the vision the seven angels with the seven bowls. Dear friend, what was happening was difficult to describe; I saw the angels pouring out the seven bowls of the wrath of God on the earth. Trumpets started sounding. God was pouring out His judgments on the inhabitants of the earth, and whole countries disappeared. The Lord told me: "Look! All these people were part of my Church, some were pastors". Because I did not fully understand this, I asked the Lord: "How is it that your people have been left so numerous in the great tribulation? How is it that there are also pastors among them, those who preached your word?" Jesus answered: "Yes, they had preached my word, but they were not living in accordance with my word." 

Then the Lord allowed me to see another multitude of pastors, and He told me: "Those pastors were not preaching my word as it is written. They thought that my word was not adapted to their century. They had too much favor towards those who were given a lot of tithes, because they were more interested in materials. Go and tell my servants that I am the One who called them, and that Silver and Gold belong to me and I give them according to my greatness and glory. Tell them to preach my word as it is written. They are many, those who give another interpretation to my word. My word is my word, and no one can change it. It must be preached as it is written. There are many among my people who distort my word for their own profit  - by Bernada Fernandez

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