01 Jan

There is power in writing it down. It has a remembrance enabling effect.  

Making a difference this time around and taking time off to still my mind with God; reflecting on the past year; whilst recognizing and writing down my visions; with pen and paper or my device in hand, in order that they might ever be before my eyes, and for good remembrance, I wish to move with precision in the coming year.    

A year has been deducted from my earthly tenure, and I don't know how long I've got left. Either way, I am no longer young. It's just opportunity and grace, and I've now got to begin to live with a much more sense of responsibility.  Therefore, I am re-setting my goals, making up my mind that I will follow them up intently; every step of the way, running with precision as much as it will be in my power to do so. 

May we all fulfill purpose in the coming year.

If you’ve never done this before, why not join me and take up the challenge of running through the year with precision. 

What have you been called to do? It it running with a circular career, business career; offering services; preaching of the gospel?  With divine discipline, and with God on your side, you can take that step forward and break forth in fulfilling your purpose and calling for the year.

“And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables that he may run that reads it.” ~ Habakkuk 2:2.

Wishing you a glorious New Year! 


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