28 Aug

Who Am I? 

You are a Spirit!  

From God’s perspective, you are more of a Spirit Man than a Human Being!  God created you in 3 segments which are the Spirit, Soul and Body.  The Spirit part of you is in the creation of the image of God.  Made much more supreme than the other components, and dominating all other parts of your being.  Naturally, just like God who is a Spirit cannot be seen; spirits cannot be seen with the physical eyes.  This explains why no one can see the real you the spiritual part of you. 

You equally have a Soul and live in a Body. This means that your body houses both you the (spirit) and your soul respectively.  Your body can be referred to as the earthly jacket.  It is the only one that has the capacity to make physical contact with the objects of this world.  Your body is mortal (temporary), but your Spirit Man is immortal (eternal). 

A day will come, when each one of us will have to take our earthly jacket (our body) off and leave it behind in this earthly world.  This means, Earthly life terminated!  Whilst each one of our bodies would have been in the process of becoming decomposed and eventually ending up as carcass or at the least becoming ashes, our Spirit and Soul will continue to live in the spirit realm.  Meaning that, you and I will never die, being an immortal man or woman!  

At physical death, the Spirit Man will have to transport with it the soul to an eternal abode, which will eventually become its new abode.  You will be doubly conscious and aware of yourself and surrounding once in the spirit realm.  Talking about the abode; they are in two segments, which are the abode of the Saved to be in perfect union with God, and the abode of the Lost to be in total separation from God.  

Talking about ‘Resurrection’, you would have experienced yours at death.  At death, transition, resurrection and transportations are instant.  

The sour truth is that: At birth, you had no choice in it.  In life, you would have a lot of choices to make.  In death, you will have no choice in it, and after death and away from this world, you will have no choice in whatever decisions are being made with regards you.  

All these are truth and reality! 

Life is a gift from God, but equally a journey.  We all are pilgrims or sojourners and marketers of life. There is a very thin line drawn between life and death.  Once cut, the journey ends, but how our journey will be into eternity would be based on how we did spend our life on earth and as to what preparations we made on earth regards eternal life. 

God’s word to us from the Bible says: “Don’t be misled. You cannot mock God.  You will always harvest what you plant.  Those who live only to satisfy their sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.” (Galatians 6:7-8).  

Many who have gone to the beyond without securing their soul in Christ Jesus are craving for a second chance that would never be again.  They are presently wishing that someone had told them some truth that would have rescued their soul from eternal damnation.  For these ones, it is too late, but you and I  still stand a better chance while still living in this world to make things right with God our creator. Every single breath of yours and mine are borrowed from God.  He can decide to terminate it at any given time without seeking our permission, but each one of us can at least make peace with our maker and be prepared to return to God in heaven at any time.  

If you are always in fear of death, it is because you do not have any hope at  physical death, but are aware that there is a kind of life after death.  Your fear is with regards the unknown destination. Once you have received Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, you would experience the peace and joy of salvation and gain assurance of where you would go after physical death.

It is important for each person on earth to turn around to God for salvation and respite in order to travel the journey of life safely and make it home to him in the end of life on earth.   He promises in his word by saying: “Therefore he is able once and forever to save those who come to God through him.  He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.” (Hebrews 7:25). 

Please take time to seek God in prayers while still alive in this world. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.  There are many pathways in life.  Ask God to show you the right pathway.  Ask God to help you live in his righteousness through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died for you. So take hold of the benefit and receive cleansing from sin with his shed priceless blood.  Ask God to grant you Eternal Life with him and to write your name in his Book of Life  He will answer every heart cry. 

Your beloved 

Niola. Ijad

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